
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life thus far

So, I have to admit I would rather be in a hobbit hole smoking a good pipe of tobacco, reading books by Thoreau, Emmerson, Jack London, C.S Lewis and of course J.R.R. Tolkien. And, I of course would be a hobbit called Jimmy Baggins of the hobbit hole. Or, I would be an Ewok named Chirpa who lives on the Forest Moon of Endor around a fire and talking with my friends. But, life is not fantasy, at least in reality. I can dream of everything but somethings are unreal.

Anyways, now that I have set the mood of day dreaming around a warm fireplace. Which is roaring right now and dispelling heat like the dragon from The Hobbit. I think it best to talk about life.

This semester has been strange, full of hard life facts such as my parents separating and losing my grandfather and my mom having cancer. To those that wonder, my parents are back together and my mom is doing good with her cancer. She is going into remission we hope. So, back on subject, I have hard classes that I hated with an extreme passion and classes that were okay. But, I learned something, that as much as I want to be a new Zealand sheepherder, Norwegian fisherman, Air Traffic Controller, Mountain Man, and many others I would always be running from something. That when the road got tough I left. And, you cannot do that. So remember always keep going on, it takes a lot of faith to keep on going even when the road gets tough. Anyways, that life so far. Maybe, I shouldn't read that many books, but oh well such is life. Defined by every step we take at the rate of one step per memory.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

An untitled poem.

So, I decided to write a poem during a break. And,yeah here it is. I still have no name for it. And, its a bit rough. But, I think the message is still there.

An Untitled Poem
"Christmas is always the hardest time for me"
Is the words I used to hear from the old man.
His face marked by trials and tribulations.
Sitting there as we smoked our pipes.

And, I ponder what he meant.
How to be such a joyous time it was a lonely time?
Was but a mystery to me even if it had no rhyme.
But, I began to see what he meant.

How often do we forget the pain of others.
Loneliness is brought to its full strength in a crowd of people.
Loneliness caused by bearing one own pain.
Pain that only God knows you bare.

So hidden it is, that you forget about it.
Until, Christmas when everyone is happy and carefree.
And, you believe you have given it to God.
Yet, it comes at you like a wolf in a pack.

But, you haven't given it to God.
Because, you know that you cant.
A pride in carrying one own's burdens is what cements it.
And a bit by bit. It stays.
And, I looked at the old man and understood why he said that.