
Monday, October 25, 2010

Life and stuff

Yeah, I am sorry for not posting a blog post in so long. But, oh well, I have had a rough couple of weeks. I lost my grandpa, he was 74 the same age that his died. And, we had his funeral on his birthday. But, you know my grandfather was a strong man and he was very smart. He also always had a great smile, always made people laugh, he would constantly joke and never met a stranger. Now, that was my grandfather.

Now, I have been fed up with both sides. Mainly, the Republicans and the Democrats have been driving me crazy. I usually find myself voting third party such as for the Constitution Party  or the Centrist Party. I am usually right at the center leaning towards the right.

Now, I tend to stay center, because I prefer Keynesian over Austrian Economics. I believe that capitalism is best instituted by regulation and oversight. I am pretty sure, that monopolies are the same thing as if the state owned it all. I believe that in order for a market for free, that new competitors should be able to enter into a market. And, I believe in government funded subsidies, taxes, and programs. Its just how Keynes explained it.

Now, I tend to lean towards the right, because I am a social conservative. So, I either go centrist or constitution party.

I have lost faith in the major parties. Its plain and simple.

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