
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life thus far

So, I have to admit I would rather be in a hobbit hole smoking a good pipe of tobacco, reading books by Thoreau, Emmerson, Jack London, C.S Lewis and of course J.R.R. Tolkien. And, I of course would be a hobbit called Jimmy Baggins of the hobbit hole. Or, I would be an Ewok named Chirpa who lives on the Forest Moon of Endor around a fire and talking with my friends. But, life is not fantasy, at least in reality. I can dream of everything but somethings are unreal.

Anyways, now that I have set the mood of day dreaming around a warm fireplace. Which is roaring right now and dispelling heat like the dragon from The Hobbit. I think it best to talk about life.

This semester has been strange, full of hard life facts such as my parents separating and losing my grandfather and my mom having cancer. To those that wonder, my parents are back together and my mom is doing good with her cancer. She is going into remission we hope. So, back on subject, I have hard classes that I hated with an extreme passion and classes that were okay. But, I learned something, that as much as I want to be a new Zealand sheepherder, Norwegian fisherman, Air Traffic Controller, Mountain Man, and many others I would always be running from something. That when the road got tough I left. And, you cannot do that. So remember always keep going on, it takes a lot of faith to keep on going even when the road gets tough. Anyways, that life so far. Maybe, I shouldn't read that many books, but oh well such is life. Defined by every step we take at the rate of one step per memory.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

An untitled poem.

So, I decided to write a poem during a break. And,yeah here it is. I still have no name for it. And, its a bit rough. But, I think the message is still there.

An Untitled Poem
"Christmas is always the hardest time for me"
Is the words I used to hear from the old man.
His face marked by trials and tribulations.
Sitting there as we smoked our pipes.

And, I ponder what he meant.
How to be such a joyous time it was a lonely time?
Was but a mystery to me even if it had no rhyme.
But, I began to see what he meant.

How often do we forget the pain of others.
Loneliness is brought to its full strength in a crowd of people.
Loneliness caused by bearing one own pain.
Pain that only God knows you bare.

So hidden it is, that you forget about it.
Until, Christmas when everyone is happy and carefree.
And, you believe you have given it to God.
Yet, it comes at you like a wolf in a pack.

But, you haven't given it to God.
Because, you know that you cant.
A pride in carrying one own's burdens is what cements it.
And a bit by bit. It stays.
And, I looked at the old man and understood why he said that.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So, I have been wondering what does diversity mean?

I mean seriously folks what does it mean? I thought it meant tolerating  all viewpoints and beliefs. It just doesn't mean to alienate those who disagree with you. Then it fails to be diversity, it becomes one way is correct not all ways.

I don't like racists but I tolerate them because they add to the air of diversity, I can tolerate them because I like diversity. I just respond back because I disagree with them. I don't want to go out and attack them because then I fail to embrace diversity.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can attack it. That is if you want to have diversity, if not please call it something else. Please for the sake of logic, call it something else.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Life so far

Wow, life sure has been picking up. I mean fun times with friends, funny conversations, and of course later and later nights. I hate the engineering course load, I look at some people and wonder how they can have so much sleep time. Then, I usually find out, that my time management skills may not be at the best. Well, thats a personal area I will be needing to work on. I am writing this on no sleep since at least my nap around 3:00 PM. I don't really feel all that bad to tell you the truth.

I also have a new challenge. Think you can beat me in a stock market game? Then, let me know by either facebook, twitter, or a comment here. We will be using this site.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Life and stuff

Yeah, I am sorry for not posting a blog post in so long. But, oh well, I have had a rough couple of weeks. I lost my grandpa, he was 74 the same age that his died. And, we had his funeral on his birthday. But, you know my grandfather was a strong man and he was very smart. He also always had a great smile, always made people laugh, he would constantly joke and never met a stranger. Now, that was my grandfather.

Now, I have been fed up with both sides. Mainly, the Republicans and the Democrats have been driving me crazy. I usually find myself voting third party such as for the Constitution Party  or the Centrist Party. I am usually right at the center leaning towards the right.

Now, I tend to stay center, because I prefer Keynesian over Austrian Economics. I believe that capitalism is best instituted by regulation and oversight. I am pretty sure, that monopolies are the same thing as if the state owned it all. I believe that in order for a market for free, that new competitors should be able to enter into a market. And, I believe in government funded subsidies, taxes, and programs. Its just how Keynes explained it.

Now, I tend to lean towards the right, because I am a social conservative. So, I either go centrist or constitution party.

I have lost faith in the major parties. Its plain and simple.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Choice or Destiny?

I have a question for you, do you believe in choice or destiny?  Do you believe in mistakes? Do you believe in predestination?

I just basically asked the same question three times. Why? Well, that is a very good question. You see life breaks down into a few simple questions that are all intertwined. The main one is choice or destiny. It kinda is the most prevalent.  If we all believe that choice is the inherent mechanism than we begin to make life a sum of choices. Choices give people power and with power people choose what they want. But, some say that choice was a lie that was given to the people who have no power from the people they do to serve as a control in a system.  We will never fully know if life is governed by choices. Now, lets briefly examine fate or destiny as some call it.

However, if we say that life is fated or destined then we have no control. Then, we are simple robots that just follow the order that was set before us. The system itself has no need for control. But, that makes people feel uneasy because they have no control. When, a  system goes haywire in a computer, a computer tech tries to get control over the situation.

But, there is a problem with choice and fate. They can't both be right. If we say that they are both, then they conflict with each other as they are both mutually exclusive or are they? A set order could be set but it could be your choice to take it. Just, as a lot of Christians view salvation as predetermined but its all up to you. And, that is cool. I mean its legit, you agree to it and hold faith in that doctrine as do Calvinists in predestination and Armenians in free-will.

Yet, though there may be different schools of thought, there is one single question that we all must ask ourselves and that is this question: "Why was that choice made?".

And, that is all I will leave you with. Until next time.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Random books and stuff

So, I feel like I need to do a post to this blog. But, I don't know what to talk about. I have all these great ideas for titles. But, its like I just can't write on one thing. So, I decided to just write about stuff, you know random stuff.

Alright lets get down to business.

Dilbert Comics 
So, I was at Goodwill and found a Dilbert Comic book. Its an older one titled It's Obvious You Won't Survive by Your Wits Alone by Scott Adams. Its amazing. I mean seriously I love it. Dilbert tends to represent the generic engineer. I mean seriously he does. He is socially inept and over analyzes things. And, that is what I tend to be sometimes. Well, the over analyzing stuff is definitely me.

Savage Wilderness

So, yeah I found a new novel also. Its called Savage Wilderness by Harold Coyle. I just read the prologue and its pretty cool. I mean its about the French and Indian War and looks like its Historical fiction. I will let you know if its any good periodically. I will try my best to not spoil the story.

Mere Christianity

So, I am reading Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis and its pretty good. Still need to finish book 2. But, so far its like intellectual candy and I love it. First book, where I can read it without losing interest. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meritts of Aussie Rap and other stuff in life

So, I sit here in the library and I am taking a break from studying  Civil Engineering Statics. You know the problems that are like crazy hard to understand. But, are rather simple to understand (at least for me). I mean a rigid body is in equilibrium and you are just trying to figure out the forces and moments acting on it. The only part I hate is figuring out the math. I mean I love math, I am in Engineering Statistics and Calculus III for engineers. I just hate finding out equations.

Anyways, I sit here in the library listening to Bliss n Eso, Muph N Plutonic, and Urthboy. Here is a sample of it:
I mean its pretty good, they drew a lot of inspiration from African American Rappers. Which reminds me, you guys need to check out Prep Boy Swizz. Well, now that we got that covered. Onto the merits of Aussie rap, from what I have heard, Aussie Rap has a smoother flow, constant rap and a lot more interesting lyrics.  Its really amazing and that's all I got to say about that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

On the Issues of Life

So, yeah, I actually decided to start a blog. And, also I should go ahead and apologize for that first sentence if you would even call it that. Anyways, I finally decided to make one since James Kniffen Jr. has one. It is legit check it out here. You should be asking yourself now, why does James Loyd need a blog? Is it a sign of the apocalypse?
Of Course not, we don't have Colonel Kurtz nor are we playing Wagner. And, furthermore, Apocalypse Now is a movie not the same thing as the apocalypse in the Bible. By the way, I got that picture from here. I thought, I would say that because I am not that good at drawing anything. Alright, since we went off on that rabbit hole lets ring it in. The reason, I decided to do it, is because I just want to. You know become a blogger, talk about stuff, and offer my insights to everyone.